All posts tagged: Catbird

It’s Hammer Time

Hands down, the ring shown on my middle finger has gotten more compliments than anything else I’ve ever worn. I wear it daily, along with a group of other gold bands that I’ve picked up on various travels over the past few years but nothing seems to catch people’s eye as much as that wee hammered stack. While it looks totally ‘now’ I received it well over a decade ago from one of my most beloved and bejewelled aunts. It was part of a set with matching stud earrings, and I didn’t love either at the time so I instantly tucked them away. Why wasn’t I swooning? I was heavy into my silver jewelry phase back then, and gold just seemed, well, dated. Oh, how the tides have turned. I still own and wear my fair share of silver jewelry (and I’ll swing both ways, wearing them together because, yes, you can and should mix your metals) but now I can’t get enough of lil’ golden goodies. Dainty trinkets have a funny way of instantly going with everything and can be piled …